Mark’s Message
After my accident in 2004, I was spending time at the rehab facility in Denver coming to grips with my new life. The one piece of rationalization I was given was that God has a plan for me; my quadriplegia would be taking me on a path that I would not have found as a bi-ped. While in the hospital a blog was started allowing my family to post updates on my medical condition.
This blog also allowed my new support network the opportunity to send me well wishes and blessings. This was the beginning of my amazing support group coined “Team Cameron.”
After a few months in the hospital, I started writing my posts. Upon returning home I continue to update my recovery status and share some of my wheeled adventures.
In addition to writing my posts, I have begun working as a Patient Advocate by opening my house to share with countless people. The technology I use to continue living independently as a quadriplegic.

I have also begun speaking to groups in an attempt to educate and share some of my life lessons.
This web site has been developed for a number of reasons. The two most important; I wanted to share my story to make others aware of the dangers of shallow water diving. In addition, I hope to promote and inspire those readers and show them a more positive outlook on life.
Thank you for your time and interest. If you would like to read the blog, we have provided a link below. I would also like to thank everyone in the “Team Cameron” family. It’s through your love and support that I am able to continue with my recovery.